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Face Shield: Next Level of Personal Protection Against COVID-19

July 4, 2020
NewFace masks have emerged as the ubiquitous veil of protection against emissions of corona virus droplets. But there are significant personal trade-offs to consider in their adoption. The bearer of a face covering made of fabric endures strained breathing, skin pressure, slurred speech, facial irritation and sagging, to mention a few drawbacks. This cloth filter is a practical diffuser of virus release, when coughing, sneezing, or speaking. But it is less of a blocker of viral intake when inhaling droplets transmitted by others and accumulated outside the mask layer.

Can you opt for a more sensible and effective device that acts as a two-way protector, instead, and is also less imposing than a commonly wearable face muffler? The answer to this question points to clear, comfortable plastic face-shields An alternative protector constructed, typically, from transparent, strong and lightweight PET plastic not only affords greater freedom of breathing, speaking and skin-strain. But, more importantly, the full-facial visor can block the ejection of virus droplets on its inside, as well as reject of the harmful aerosol aimed at your face on its outside.  

Research published in the April 29, 2020 Journal of the American Medical Association face shields were shown to reduce immediate viral exposure between 92% at distance of 6 feet and 96% within 18 inches of a cough. Cloth face masks are much less resistant to cough droplets by about one third.  

The eyes of a person are also an entry point for the contagious virus. Facial coverings for the mouth and the nose only, obviously, leave the eye areas exposed to the infectious germ, unless you also wear glasses, or goggles. The face shield inherently provides broader protection to the eyes, nose and mouth. Indeed, touching your face with unwashed, un-sanitized, hands is virtually impossible when wearing a face shield. Hence, shield gear offers more when seeking to obtain extra viral protection versus mask alternative.

Personally, when covering nose, mouth, chin and cheek areas with the face mask, you can lose some of your individual identity when in public. No need to go out incognito, anymore. The clear plastic guard, on the other hand, reveals the total facial features, expressions and demeanor. In addition, it does not interfere with women wearing make up, or leave skin marks from a tight mask. Some designs wear so naturally. You don't even realize having them on.

Comfort is just as important as clarity. The cushioned halo securing the protector on your head is engineered to help achieve strain-free, adjustable size for comfort. Freedom to speak through the thin-but-rigid shield is of great importance. Inner and outer face shield surfaces are haze free so your visibility is always crystal clear. Some chic designs can make a style statement if you are conscious of your appearance.

Economics also tilt the advantage toward the plastic face shield. This gear is long lasting and reusable by the same person as long as it is washed with soap and water, or sanitized with pure alcohol wipes available on after every use. It is not suggested, however, that you share your personal shield with another person.  

While they do not entirely replace face masks/coverings, face shields are an enhancing form of protection from aerosols, sprays and splash protection including COVID-19 transmission. Medical grade versions are available along with commercial and fashion choices. A clever rendering for enhanced protection is a stylish hybrid face mask and integral compact shield above it to cover your eyes. The mini shield is attached or removed from mask via Velcro tab for easy cleansing.

Frank Fracasso is founder of Stellar ID, HealthCAFE and
By Frank Fracasso March 28, 2020
The following is my personal insight into the common threads on how the pernicious virus has propagated from the original source in Wuhan, China. My theory of spread is derived through the lens of the coffee trade. Follow my intuition and observations, if you will. According to medical experts, the bat-hosted virus jumped to a human when a butcher at the Wuhan animal market cut up the flying nocturnal mammal for customer consumption. Inevitable fluid splattering into the face/hands of the "delicacy" preparer allowed the novel virus to jump from animal to human. That initial launch began the distribution of the sickness from the animal market in Chinese city to surrounding province of Hubei with 60.3 million inhabitants. How dit it get transported from there to untraceable initial hot spots like Seattle, WA and New York City? In comes the coffee supply chain theory! It is well known that Starbucks is headquartered in the West Coast bustling city of Seattle. The Chinese culture has embraced the Starbucks signature cafe's throughout its provinces. Unsuspecting customers of the crowded Wuhan market who were likely infected through airborne droplets congregated in the local Starbucks. Cafe employees became receptors of infection while servicing clientele. Starbucks cafe' personnel likely transferred the infection to visiting US headquarter managers who asymptomatically became hosts and disseminated the infection in their Seattle communities where they lived. From China, the spotlight next goes to the metropolitan area of Milan, Italy. I am personally familiar with the espresso coffee machine business in Bergamo, a nearby city to the world fashion center. One of my main espresso machine suppliers until five years ago was located in Bergamo commercial center. The Bergamo producer discontinued making high-end machines back then because he became an important consultant to the emerging Chinese low-end coffee makers. He traveled regularly to that country. I still prefer Italian made cafe' appliances, while scarcely remaining. But, in a role reversal, Italy is now a big market for home espresso makers produced in China. Further east of Bergamo to the city of Trieste is the headquarters of Illy Cafe', a coffee roaster concept analogous to Starbucks, but distributes coffee machines and cups now made in China plus coffee single servings prepared in Italy. Instead of local cafe' shops, Illy produces and distributes cafe' products for home (personal) use in Italy and the rest of the world. Travel to China and back by Illy staffers could have been a likely vehicle for stealthily importing the COVID-19 to the northern Italian regions. "Patient 1" who had social contact with "patient 0" is traced back to the Milan suburbs. First hospital patients appeared in Codogno and Bergamo, both cities in Milan vicinity. These victims are known to have convened in local cafe' bars where space is usually small and socially packed. One main event occurred on February 19, 2020. This was the soccer game championship between Bergamo's team Atalanta and rival Spain's Valencia. The stadium in Milan was packed with endearing fans from both countries who celebrated and hugged with each team's score. Many locals viewed the match on TV in cafe's as an alternative venue. The platform for wide dispersal came together on February 23, 2020, or four days later. According to Bloomberg News, "The two iconic events, (the carnival in Venice and the Milan fashion previews) which drew hundreds of thousands of visitors to the northern Italian cities, were disrupted Sunday by an outbreak of the virus in surrounding regions. The sudden spread since a man sought treatment on Feb. 18 has left Italy with more than 130 cases, the most in Europe." Now we can see two main "coffee-related" virus tracks. On board of the first Orient vector are hosts (asymptomatic Starbucks personnel) of virus returning to US West Coast (Seattle) from China. On second China dispersal course are coffee-trade carriers of disease heading back to Northern Italy and dispersing worldwide as well to US East Coast (New York City fashion center, especially) by way of coffee houses, and consequently, to sports, carnival and fashion show gatherings. Hopefully, this stealth threat to our health will pass quickly as it pervades through all parts of US and the world. Help to break the chain of transmission by socially distancing yourself until its over. Frank Fracasso, Blog Author
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